Why should I have my windshield repaired?
- It may be free. If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, most insurance companies will pay for the cost of a stone chip repair; because, they know it saves the cost of windshield replacement. You don’t even have to pay the deductible and your insurance rates won’t go up!
- For safety. For safety, your vehicle depends on the windshield’s installation for structural strength, especially in a rollover scenario. Our technicians can restore the windshield to its original safe strength before the damage occurred. Stone chip repairs can be virtually undetectable.
- To save money. 90% of windshield cracks start out as a stone chip. Temperature changes–even between night and day–along with road vibration inevitably cause stone chips to become larger, irreparable, cracks. A stone chip repair is a highly effective way of preventing the windshield from cracking, so having it repaired sooner rather than later increases the likelihood that it can be fixed instead of having to be replaced.
- It’s quick and–even without comprehensive insurance–relatively inexpensive. Most stone chip repairs can be completed in less than an hour.
Our Windshield Repair Warranty

If your stone chip turns into a break after we’ve repaired it, simply return your vehicle to Vision Glass for a full windshield replacement and receive a discount for the entire cost of the stone chip repair.
Can my windshield be repaired?
At Vision Glass, we do everything we possibly can to repair your windshield. However, under some circumstances, it may not be possible to restore the windshield to its original safe strength or if we feel any attempt to do so might result in glass failure, we may have to replace the windshield so that it conforms to safety standards. Most often we can repair your windshield if:
- The stone chip is no larger in diameter than a toonie.
- The chip is at least 4 cm from the windshield edge.
- The chip is not within the driver’s line of site.

How do you repair my windshield?
- Vision Glass uses the most recent technologies for windshield repairs. First, the stone chip is sealed with a chamber containing clear, liquid resin. In the vacuum cycle of the repair, we evacuate microscopic amounts of debris and air from the stone chip. The heavier resin replaces the contaminants and begins to fill in the damaged core. The second stage pressurizes the sealed chamber, pushing the resin into the remaining areas of the chip. A polymer cap is then placed over the repaired area and a UV light is used to harden the resin, creating a seal and a bond. The cap is removed, and the surface buffed to a flush finish.
- For optimum results, repairs should be performed in a climate-controlled environment.
- Extended crack repair is NOT endorsed by Vision Glass as an effective method of restoring the structural integrity of the glass.
- Not all stone chips can be repaired.
- A stone chip cannot be repaired twice.

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